Drummaul Resident Harry Reid Picks up Prestigious Flourishing Award from IHCP

Drummaul House resident Harry Reid was the winner of this years flourishing Award from the IHCP (Independent Health and Care Providers) as he has made such a vast improvement both physically and psychologically since his admission into the home.  The awards ceremony was held on the 17th October but Harry wasn’t up to attending this so last week the commissioner for older people Eddie Lynch came out to the home and made the presentation to Harry.

This award recognises the growth and development many residents make once entering residential or nursing care which can affect others lives as well as their own. This award is aimed at those individuals who have developed new skills or put their existing talents to new uses in a care environment.


As you can clearly see Harry was delighted and was very pleased that Naomi Carey, Director, Hutchinson Care Homes was also able to attend such an occasion.