Hutchinson Care Home Group Further Strengthens with Additions to Senior Management Team
Hutchinson Care Homes is constantly striving to move forward and ensure continuous development of its services and programmes. The management team in the homes has seen a number of changes in recent months and as those changes have been implemented the senior management team has also been augmented. The recent of appointment of an Estates Manager and an HR Manager has been part of this time of change within the group and we are pleased to welcome Elaine McCann and David Adams on to the team as HR Manager and Estates Manager respectively.
The senior team are pictured above left to right: Eddy Kerr Operations Manager, Elaine McCann HR Manager, Janet Montgomery Director, Naomi Carey Director, David Adams Estates Manager, Iris Hume Finance Manager.
Regular readers of our website will know that we recently said farewell to our manager in Ballyclare Nursing Home after almost 30 years of service in that post. We also had a change in Massereene Manor and the picture below is of our managers across all our care services sites and programmes. We welcome Lynn Burton as manager at Massereene Manor and along with some recent additions and changes we know we have a strong team in place to lead our services forward.
Pictured below are all our Managers and Deputy Managers across the group.