Daily Update Friday 3 April : Chi Me By The Power of Facebook with Mark Millar at Hutchinson Care Homes
In these challenging times we are keeping our chins up across Hutchinson Care Homes and are thankful to everyone who has gone the ‘ extra mile ‘ to help us in so many ways. Here’s one showing how we can use social media to keep in touch and keep healthy at the same time.
So a big thanks to Mark Millar, our regular Antrim based Personal Chi Me Instructor who would come into Clonlee and introduce some of the residents to a different method of exercise.
Clearly at present with restrictions that’s not possible so Mark now comes to us via Facebook with a special message for his star pupils in Clonlee – Audrey and Carol – to keep up the exercise.
Chi Me is designed to improve strength, mobility and balance and give participants a sense of calm and wellbeing.
Chi Me exercises can help improve muscular strength, balance, co-ordination, flexibility and relaxation – so for a moment forget about the world for a while whilst unwinding and enjoy Mark’s 30 minute session.
A series of Tai Chi influenced exercises help residents and staff relax as they breathe deeply and perform graceful upper and lower body moves that flow into each other.
‘Enjoy Everyone and Stay Safe and I look forward to seeing you in person in the not too distance future’
Mark Millar