Clonlee Take Part in the Big Bird Watch and Thanks to Lidl

January is the month we take part in the Big Bird watch for the RSPB. There was real interest in this event from the ladies and the weather was was just right for the event.

Maud got prime view with her exhaustive list of birds to watch out for and told us all about how to feed the different birds that call into the garden. She recalls how many squirrels that also came but her favourite was the always the robin. Maureen’s son Dermot showed everyone photos of birds and otters he has seen along the Six Mile River and stories of other wildlife as well.
A very interesting and relaxed afternoon with the sound of the birds singing and we finished off the afternoon with a cup of tea and a wee bun – no bird seed for us !

Once again we say a BIG THANK YOU to Lidl supermarket for the lovely bunches of flowers we received this month. The residents were delighted and so overwhelmed. A thoughtful gift  that has made such a difference to everyone .