Ballyclare May Fair a Big Hit Once Again with Clareview Residents

Well May has certainly come around very quickly. Our residents couldn’t believe it was a year since we last enjoyed the Ballyclare May Fair.

Granted by Marquis of Donegall in 1756, Ballyclare has held an annual Fair on the 3rd Tuesday in May ever since. The deed for which is still held in the Public Records Office in Belfast.

The deed was granted for a horse and hiring fair and during the 19th century was classed as one of the most important fairs in Europe, with horses being bought for European Cavalry Regiments.

The fair runs for a week and although over the years the event has became smaller, this years line up includes the following before finishing on Saturday night with a fireworks display.

Soapbox Derby
Hugo Duncan live radio show
Pet show
Ballyclare Male Voice Choir
Shania Twain tribute act
Richie Remo

Our residents enjoyed fudge & candy floss, huge 99 cones and some even wanted to go on the Waltzer as it reminded them of bygone days in Portrush.