Clonlee Monday Club Reminisce About Birthdays

There is always lots to talk about at the Clonlee Monday Club and the last meeting was no exception.The topic was birthday parties and there was plenty to talk about . Nostalgia is a special kind of reminiscence and the group had lots of stories to tell, which helps the members to get to know each other better.

It was Laura and Audrey’s birthday a few weeks ago so it was their turn to tell everyone about parties they had during their youth. Some remembered their ‘sweet’ 16th birthday but for most it was their 21st. Terry, recalls how he celebrated his 21st during his time in the RAF and his friends singing “For he’s a golly good fellow”, Audrey, said her 80th birthday lasted a week, and all are looking forward to receiving a special card from the Queen ! There was lots of favourite ideas for birthday cake, Dundee cake, coffee cake, chocolate cake, Victoria cake which Carol said her mum showed her how to make, but all agreed that there are no calories in a Birthday Cake.